Perfida Albione (o su di lì)

I rigori stavolta ci hanno punito. Tralasciamo il solito "bravi i ragazzi che comunque hanno lottato etc etc etc". Voglio solo dire una cosa agli scozzesi e per evitare che non mi capiscano cercherò di farlo in inglese (che in quanto sudditi della corona penso sia la loro lingua ufficiale, no?).

Dear Rangers’ supporters,

don’t say anymore that italian football is too defensive, please .

You played against Fiorentina looking for penalties since the first minute of the first match, in Glasgow.

Really a shameful behaviour.

Well, go to Manchester and win the Cup. Maybe you’ll be able to reach penalties once more.

You’ll have only to go on destroying the game of the other team. Exactly as you did in the last week and against Sporting Lisbona.

Just don’t say anymore that italian football is too defensive, please.

E vaffanculo pure a Sean Connery.


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